
Buying gear

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, April 23, 2013, 11:53 (4360 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Huh. I never played Diablo 3, but I actually discussed this model with someone who did not too long ago, and I was under the impression that the stuff in the auction house wsa the SAME as the stuff you could get through drops. As in... you could play for it, or buy it.

Maybe I misunderstood? (Or maybe you did - sounds like you haven't played it either.)

I believe you're right, but that implies stuff one would have to grind for are readily available in the auction house, granted one has enough money. If you didn't have to grind for them (i.e. if they were very common), the auction house would make no sense. I think that's the point he was making.

I don't think you're correct. He said

Second, because it's so much better, the game has to be balanced around purchased weapons.

That seems to mean that he thinks that the gear is actually BETTER, not just easier to acquire. I don't think that's true.

Yes everything in the auction house drops, but so infrequently most people will never see anything that good unless they farm. So when you go to the auction house, all the gear is better than what you have unless you have no life at all and can do gear runs, because people only sell good gear! Nobody is going to want to buy bad stuff.

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