
What are you most hoping for from E3 re: Destiny?

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Monday, May 06, 2013, 22:44 (4228 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Chrono Trigger: JRPG
Mass Effect: RPG With shooting elements

Those labels are completely descriptive and I know what I'd be doing when playing those games. But you do have a good point, in that most people probably do not know how to assign genre properly, or worse, try to shy away from genre recognition altogether.

Exactly, usually retailers and media do not get specific enough to be helpful, and until I see a game's gameplay I can't even classify it. Though I would say much worse culprit is the music industry. My favorite band, The Shins, have been labeled in iTunes/Amazon as: indie, alternative, rock, pop, folk, blues, and "other"

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