I really don't know what to say... (Destiny)

by petetheduck, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 09:09 (3519 days ago) @ Mid7night

Thanks Disciple and Jaimez for attempting Skolas with me; I'm sorry I got Caterpillar'd TWICE and can't stay up past midnight (I know...).

Four times now, each try clocking over 3 hours total. It saddens me that the only solution SEEMS to be "just throw more time at it"..."Here, bang your head against this wall for a couple more hours and you might get something less valuable than if you played something else for a fraction of the time". That's the opposite of fun!

I really want to complete my "accolade circle" or whatever it's called, but trying and failing at the same thing every week, FOUR TIMES in a row is just making me question why I'm even playing at all....

Is it just me? Has anyone else had such a supremely AWEFUL experience with Skolas?

P.S. And yes, for the record; we're doing the strategies, rotating around under the platform, the whole deal. I read the tip-posts, they were very helpful, in theory. Apparently I just really suck fhat bad ...

This past weekend was my first ever success with Skolas--I definitely know the feelings of frustration, etc., when you throw in the towel. It isn't just you.

Does there seem to be something in particular that is causing your wipes--the debuff, mines?

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