I *love* a Bladedancer for the mines. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 22:55 (3518 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

I run two hunters and a warlock, and I prefer my bladedancers in PoE. I can solo all the mine disabling and let my team mop up the enemies. The invis is also fantastic for the fallen VIPs. I typically die 0-2 times per run, where the warlock will die 5-10 times (of course, play style is different when you can come back from the dead :P).

Wow. We were running the Kaliks mission Monday and Tuesday (34 and 32, respectively), and I was having REAL troubles as a bladedancer. I could get the first mine - but by the time i made it to the second, there was too much fire to go invis. How are you doing it? What am I doing wrong?

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