
Dreg's Promise. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 07:23 (3518 days ago) @ petetheduck

I've had 4 elder ciphers, so I've used these guns extensively.

Lord of Wolves is a great gun in PvE. Decent in PvP.

Queenbreaker's Bow is mediocre in PvE, and mediocre in PvP, except in the right hands. Big perk is doing low impact sniper damage (think Praedyths) but with like 130 shots.

Dreg's Promise is awful in PvE and awful in PvP. HOWEVER, it is way better than Vestian Dynasty, and if you want 5000 sidearm kills for 15 grimoire, well, then you've gotta start somewhere, and I highly suggest using Dreg's Promise over Vestian Dynasty.

If I did not care about grimoire, I would buy them in the order I listed them. Not just for efficacy, but for the fun factor as well. In fun, QB and LW are about even.

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