
Dreg's Promise. (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 13:13 (3518 days ago) @ Funkmon

Dreg's Promise is awful in PvE and awful in PvP. HOWEVER, it is way better than Vestian Dynasty, and if you want 5000 sidearm kills for 15 grimoire, well, then you've gotta start somewhere, and I highly suggest using Dreg's Promise over Vestian Dynasty.

Dreg's Promise may be slightly better in PvE (which I'm still not sure I agree with, but it is more fun regardless), but it is TERRIBLE in PvP, while Vestian Dynasty is great in PvP. Finishing off an opponent with Vestian Dynasty is quicker than with any other gun (plus you switch to it faster), and it only takes 4 shots no matter where you hit to kill someone at full health.

I think what makes the difference for Dreg's Promise being worse in PvP is the travel time of the shots. You can fire at someone 5 feet in front of you and miss because of how slow the travel time is.

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