
Um, Duh? Guitars! (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, July 16, 2015, 14:37 (3518 days ago) @ Morpheus

the vibrato arm

Spoken like a true non guitarist. :P

Maybe Crux's signature right on the bottom of the body?

I don't understand this part. Like, the signature of Crux Fidelis? The Bungie.org admin?

As for the idea, I like it. Just draw a picture! I had a machine gun shaped guitar for about an hour once. Bought at a garage sale, showed it to my friends, one offered me $50 (more than I paid), I sold it to him. He gave me $40 and said he'd get the rest to me. He sold it for drugs later and died. Jerk still owes me $10.

Now my coolest guitar is just my Avril Lavigne signature Telecaster.

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