Wait, $10k for a decent house is lot there? (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, July 17, 2015, 23:04 (3516 days ago) @ ZackDark

Anyone of you want to marry me?

If you find something with more than 500 sq. ft. for less than US$50k in Rio, it's probably very badly built.

Detroit is famous for having ridiculous home prices. (In the last few years.)

I'm in Seattle, in a middle-of-the-road neighborhood. You MIGHT be able to find a house here for $500k... but twice that is not unusual. And there are much, much, MUCH more expensive neighborhoods.

(There was a slip - a space to dock a houseboat... not even the boat, just the space - on the north end of Lake Union for $160k the last time I was looking. Then you have to buy the boat.)

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