
Wait, $10k for a decent house is lot there? (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Saturday, July 18, 2015, 18:01 (3516 days ago) @ Claude Errera

Anyone of you want to marry me?

If you find something with more than 500 sq. ft. for less than US$50k in Rio, it's probably very badly built.

Detroit is famous for having ridiculous home prices. (In the last few years.)

I'm in Seattle, in a middle-of-the-road neighborhood. You MIGHT be able to find a house here for $500k... but twice that is not unusual. And there are much, much, MUCH more expensive neighborhoods.

(There was a slip - a space to dock a houseboat... not even the boat, just the space - on the north end of Lake Union for $160k the last time I was looking. Then you have to buy the boat.)

Sounds like a high end neighborhood to me! My ex girlfriend bought a house while I was living with her in a middle of the road neighborhood in Phoenix for around 200k. Are property values very high in the Seattle area?

Pretty high, yeah. Nothing like San Francisco or New York, but steep.

We bought our house in 2012 - the rest of the country was still in the slump, but Seattle was already well on its way back. I guess that's what happens when there are lots of jobs...

From what I've heard, the entire west coast is rising pretty fast these days. Vancouver is now the most expensive city in Canada (in terms of property values), and San Francisco is becoming even harder to live in than New York for many people. Great job markets (relative to the rest of the country) and beautiful landscapes at work, I'm sure :)

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