
Opening slide (Destiny)

by Miguel Chavez, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 13:02 (3488 days ago)

I presented yesterday at a MacTech Pro conference on some advanced troubleshooting tips and the template for the opening slide was asking for a little bio info. Folks were putting pics of themselves w/ their family, etc. along with a paragraph or two of their work in the industry.

Since it was Keynote, I was able to easily place a looping 6 second video of a better portrait of myself. Hope you agree.

I posted this this morning on FB, but now that I think of it, nothing too private I don't mind posting here for anyone to see.

Only a few attendees even had an idea of what I was talking about. The rest just stared off into space. Tech industry and video games don't mix as much as you'd think.

- M


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