
Rant about Gamestop (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 17:07 (3488 days ago) @ Miguel Chavez

It's cool, although I grow tired of being the answer guy sometimes, or batting back every negative Destiny rumor that gets spread as fact on the internet. And sometimes there has been tension in that I just don't have time to play with everyone who wants to play. First world problem, I know.

Friend just asked about getting Destiny PS4 special bundle. While talking about it, he was nervous because the 'guy at Gamestop' told him point blank "Bungie is leaving Destiny, handing it off to the guys that do those Deadpool games" (High Moon)

Oh boy.

- M

I actually had a series of emails back and forth with Gamestop's Canadian customer service department last year after I publicly twitter-shamed them over the total BS being spouted by their employees. On 3 or 4 occasions, I heard retail staff in 2 different locations use the same scam to trick people into purchasing their extended warranties.

The line was "games today are bigger and more complicated than ever, and they often require software updates. Sometimes these updates cause problems that can prevent you from playing the game properly. But if you have our warranty, you can return your copy and get a new one".

At one point, I really did become "that guy" who told them off in front of a whole lineup of customers.

I said "does the PS4 have a blue-ray burner in it?"


"That's right... it doesn't have the physical components needed to write information on to a disc. Not only that, PS4 and Xbox One discs are not even re-writable. Its physically impossible for anything you download to somehow effect the disc itself. So if someone downloads a patch and it does cause problems, it has nothing to do with the disc."

"I guess..."

"So then how will exchanging it for a new disc help?"


"If a patch causes a problem, it exists in the software install. It has nothing to do with the disc."

"That's what I thought, but it happened to a friend of mine..."

at which point I said "that's bullshit" and left. I was more than a little proud that a few of the people in line behind me left as well :)

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