
"Why Gjallerhorn is overpowered" (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 16:56 (3484 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY
edited by Cody Miller, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 17:03

I'd always assumed that Bungie wanted Gjallarhorn to be as powerful as it is. I believe the impending nerf has more to do with the negative trends taking hold in LFG sites than anything else.

I'm a firm believer that the LFG stuff is overblown. You're going to hear about these on the forums and on reddit because those stories are ridiculous, and are going to get pushed to the top. I've never once been asked if I had a Gjallarhorn. Granted I do LFG pretty infrequently since I have the PS4 crew, but 100% of the time has been positive.

I think the real reason is simply that it was as powerful as they had wanted, but they didn't anticipate so many people chasing (and getting) it. They made the same mistake with Mythoclast. When you've got a team of 6 all packing Wolfpack Rounds, there's not much you can do to balance both around that, and around the possibility of nobody on the 6 man team having it. Just like if you had a 6 man control team with launch Mythoclasts, it would be pretty ugly for the other team.

The more people on the fireteam, the harder it scales. The nerf is a good thing. The strike bosses being less bullet spongy and more mechanically oriented in Taken King sounds great. I'm sure the raid is going to be amazeballs.

I still have to wonder though how it slipped through the cracks of the "exotics should feel overpowered, but not be overpowered" philosophy. When your rocket launcher does twice as much damage as any other, and there are no downsides, then I think someone missed that memo :-)

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