
"Why Gjallerhorn is overpowered" (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 22:41 (3484 days ago) @ Kalamari

I think the crux of the Gjallarhorn issue is that it had to be nerfed so the Player investment system could live. If Ghorn was left untouched, players would continue to ignore the other heavy weapons like they have done in the past. It's the same reason why we won't have the ability to level up weapons in TTK like we have in HoW. If there is nothing for the player to grind for, the player investment system weakens and players stop playing the game. Gotta nerf the old carrots so players can chase the the new carrots.

That really just sounds to me like the negative spin of exactly what they're saying.

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