
"Why Gjallarhorn is overpowered" (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, August 16, 2015, 21:32 (3484 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I still have to wonder though how it slipped through the cracks of the "exotics should feel overpowered, but not be overpowered" philosophy.

I still wonder how that's supposed to work, and if they think they did a good job. The Last Word and Invective look pretty normal and they sound like they're made of plastic, but they're extraordinary weapons. If it wasn't for Hawkmoon and Thorn, TLW would the one getting all the hand cannon hate, and indeed for a while there it was. Meanwhile, Universal Remote is noticeably longer than any other shotgun, it has a scope no other weapon has, it has crazy range, and it sounds OK, but the slow rate of fire and reload speed make it really limited in where it's useful.

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