
Is this auto rifle worth using? (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 13:34 (3482 days ago) @ Mariachi

I've never been much of an auto rifle guy in destiny, but last night I got this from a nightfall. With the upcoming changes to the sandbox, is this worth using for PvP? Can it be rerolled into something better?


So, I bought one of these guns and I thought it was going to be amazing. I wasn't that impressed, but then I found another one that has:
Two stability perks at the cost of range. So it would be a sweet mid range killer.

Then I found a "Her Right Hand" which at first I was like "it's a Queens gun, it's gonna be crap" but after looking at the perks, it looks like it's a Suros for sure.
It has Focus fire
Increase to range (which doubles it) at the cost of Stability
But it also has another stability perk.

So I might actually have to start rocking Her Right Hand now

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