Focus Fire is a horrible perk (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 14:04 (3481 days ago) @ stabbim

DPS isn't everything. If it were, everyone would be favoring ARs over hand cannons right now.

True. TTK matters too, which Handcannons excel in. But Focus Fire gives you a slower TTK as well as reduced DpS iirc. I'l have to double check, but from memory the damage increase is so low that on a Shingen archetype the TTK increases from 1.2s to 1.33s.

Plus the comparison is unfair vs handcannons. It's easier to manage recoil on handcannons, they have larger (damage-equivalent) magazines and all the frequently used ones have great perks. DpS is pretty much the ARs saving grace - the last thing you want is to decrease it.

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