
Trials Tips: Heavy Denial (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, August 24, 2015, 14:41 (3476 days ago)

Just wanted to share a little tactic I've been working on during my Trials of Osiris matches this weekend. I've been experimenting with forgoing heavy ammo in favor of hitting the enemy team at their enemy spawn. This isn't really anything new... using a Super to hit the enemy at their heavy spawn is an old favorite of mine:

Of course, having a super helps. But lately I've started messing with the enemy at their heavy whether I have a super or not. If you're smart about your approach (don't want to blindly charge in), you can often catch the enemy team out in the open. Some players seem to panic at the thought of losing their heavy ammo, which can work in your favor as well.

This first clip is a great example of the enemy team doing everything wrong: Standing on the heavy ammo point before it spawns (so I can nova-bomb it), panicking and running straight into by nova vortex in an attempt to collect the ammo, self-resing right in front of my shotgun, and the last man standing rushing straight into my Truth rocket. Thanks for the 4 kills :D

In this next clip, Cody, Speedracer and I committed to pushing their heavy as a team. We had no supers, but you can see how the enemy team fell into some sloppy positioning in their rush for ammo, which we exploited.

This last clip is an entire match from last night, with a heavy ammo denial at the 5:05 mark. I saved the entire thing because the team we were facing handled the map differently than any other team I've faced. Lots of fun skirmishes and back-and-forth.

Just wanted to throw this out there as something to try the next time you're playing Trials or Elimination.

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