
Weapons or Blessing? (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Monday, August 24, 2015, 20:32 (3476 days ago) @ CyberKN

and if Weapons, which weapon archetypes most benefit from the buff?

TL:DR For trials:

1. Armor of Light
2. Blessing of Light
3. Weapons of Light

Having said that, each has a way to be used that may allow one to become better than another.

Armor will allow you to survive most things but ties you to the bubble leaving you vulnerable to certain supers. See Titan Smash, GG, and NovaBomb a little. It's best use is for reviving teammates and stopping Bladedancers and Sunsingers.

Blessing of light gives you roughly 35% more hitpoints and with the illuminated perk about 50%.
That equates to 265-270 and 290-300 total compared to 190-200 normally. A nice buff for sure but what is really nice is that you can stay mobile. You'll get 10 sec on the buff, 15 with Glasshouse helm, but I wouldn't recommend GH in trials if you are using Blessing. The nice thing is that you can constantly move in and out of the bubble to recharge your shield. These bubbles work best from a distance. If a blink shotty can get in close, he'll still get you in your bubble with a shot and melee combo. You still have to beware because many snipers will do 300+ damage with a headshot.

Weapons of light gives you a 25% damage buff, 35% with illuminated. Where WoL shines is with the two highest impact classes of snipers. Even with the 25% buff alone, LDR, Longbow Syn, Efrideet's Spear, Icebreaker, will all kill on one bodyshot to a non overshielded enemy. I like an LDR/longbow with field scout and clown cartridge. 6-8 rounds in mag can't be beat. If you have a team who's always camping the same spot or wants to sit back and snipe, WoL can make your team deadly. You'll need to setup with Glasshouse and activate Bastion in your perk tree. Bastion will give you 45 seconds to use the bubble, and 15 to have WoL active. This gives you a full minute of one hit body shots from 3 teammates using snipers. However, I recommend that the person playing the defender titan stays inside the bubble and lets the teammates do the sniping. If you go down, the bubble does too. Just peak out to mop up the last guy.

WoL is pointless to use w shotties, heavies, and probably fusion rifles. These weapons typically do enough damage to not need a buff. With many primaries it would work well. I wrote a post a while back where "theoretically" you can setup a Hopscotch Pilgrim or Spare Change to kill with a single burst to the head. High impact HC's like Ill Will and Timurs lash which normally do 95 precision damage become 2 shot killers. Maybe even the class just below it. I wouldn't really recommend it for normal use with other weapons, just the high powered ones which are on the verge of going from a 2 to 1 hit kill or 3 to 2 hit kill.

WoL is also almost useless for those last ditch revives. Without any armor boost, you'll die too quickly.

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