
Do Solar Titans/Arc Warlocks make Hunters obsolete? (Destiny)

by Durandal, Friday, August 28, 2015, 09:29 (3473 days ago)

Looking at the class perks and mechanics, it looks like the Sunbreaker and Stormcaller have large advantages in PVP and PVE over the Gunslinger/Bladedancer.

The Sunbreaker has more hammers then GG shots, hammers have a small aoe component, can get an overshield, can buff allies and debuff enemies. The tradeoff is slightly less range then GG.

The Stormcaller has a faster super regen, generates more orbs, doesn't need to be within melee range to damage enemies yet has the same or better herd thinning capabilities, and has a better melee.
The only thing Bladedancers have is the stealth mechanic, which is situational but can be very powerful.

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