Do Solar Titans/Arc Warlocks make Hunters obsolete? (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Friday, August 28, 2015, 09:59 (3473 days ago) @ Durandal

This new class seems to be the counter to these super supers. Not to mention Golden Gun is still really powerful. The fact that you can have 4 golden gun shots, and possibly more kills due to explosions/overpenetration is nothing to forget. The new Hunter seems like a supers worst nightmare. Its what defender lacks, range. Defender has really good abilities, super supportive super, and suppression grenades. The new Hunter class has the suppression and support abilities, but just adds range to the super.

My answer is no, the new supers will not make Hunters obselete. That being said I am a Hunter lover. So this might just be wishful thinking.

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