
Also (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, August 28, 2015, 12:35 (3473 days ago) @ cheapLEY

They could super shot crota and get the bonus damage when he is getting hit with the sword? and they could super shot templar/ Atheon. I wonder how the damage upgrade is compared to weapons of light?

I know Raid bosses are different, but did you seen how much damage the hammer did to that tank they took on? I've never seen a super do that much damage to that sort of enemy before.

It would be awesome if it got precision damage bonus. I mean it would kind of make sense. It's the first super (beside maybe the arrow) that has to actually be aimed. No offense to the Golden Gun users out there, but a one hit kill doesn't need to be aimed. The hammer is much weaker but does splash, so maybe... it would be cool.

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