Will be on Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain (Gaming)

by TheeChaos @, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 01:23 (3170 days ago)

I have been kind of burnt out and Destiny here of late. Of course this will all be cured when TTK launches and I will be there ready to kick *** and take names with you guys. However, I will be playing the new MG game until then, and then some. I played back through Ground Zeroes this evening, and cannot wait to see what the game has in store. For those of you who have yet to play the Metal Gear franchise, give it a shot. Their games (with exception of Rising) are always top notch. The story is really well thought out, and though confusing, offers a real rollercoaster of emotions as a player. The graphics are always superb. MGS4 was one of the earlier games for PS3, yet still had some of the best graphics out of that entire generation.

There is also a multiplayer aspect to the new game. MGS4 also had one but was plagued with PS3 networking problems as well as a very complicated layout. It was more of a standalone game, that required you to use the browser of the ps3 to do certain things. What MGO lacked in simplicity it made up for in fun. You could play the run and gun guy, or you could play the sneaky snake, slithering around stun knifing people.

As I close I just want to say that I am ready for the TTK, and beyond excited for the weapon changes. But for me it has been nice to take a little break from Destiny and see what the rest of the gaming world has to offer. I will may post a review of MG: TPP if you guys want. Maybe do a little streaming as well.

Are any of you getting the game?

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