Major Spoilers** (Destiny)

by TheeChaos @, Monday, September 21, 2015, 13:15 (3448 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Ive been TRYING to finish him to day. Here is what I have found.

The Ogres do spawn in the in the same order as the platforms need to be activated. SO, have the one relic runner, 1 person for each platform, and a free agent, The free agents job should be to help kill the ogres in the order the spawn. The players on the platforms should also go in the spawning agent. So dont shoot the ogre closest to you, but the one that spawns on your side first. This will make killing them alot easier. After the ogres are down, head to the middle and get inside the aura, kill the Knight. The reason you have to kill the knight is so he cant start the Orbs from exploding.

Tip for Relic Hunter: Land on the platform first then wait for the person who is staying there to get up there, proceed to jump. After you get the relic head straight for the area that Oryx begins at, and keep spamming square, this will activate the Aura, and then beatline it back to the middle to save your people. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ADDS. Your goal is to stay focused on the next movement.

After you do this, get together and hit oryx HARD. I noticed today when I was going with a group of 295+ players, we didnt have a problem with this until someone was dead. Last night we could not even do it once. This was probably a light level problem.

Once you stun him 4 people have to run and activate the 4 orbs left by the ogres, once you activate them run back to relic runner who still has the Aura, and DPS Oryx. The Relic runner just wants to try and keep in the middle so people can make it back to him faster, and sit still so people can stay in the aura. The relic runner can also DPS oryx while everyone else is running to the orbs.

After the orbs explode you can DPS him until he falls off.

This is where it gets fun.

After this you want run around, FAR from each other. Oryx is going to be raining hellfire down so you cant stop moving. Dont worry about adds just keep moving. If someone dies let them stay, this phase will end. After he stops firing, regroup and repeat the first process. He will sometimes stop at one podium and move to another. just be ready.

Thats as far as I have got. Weapons of Light does help.

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