"265" Hunter yearning for more playtime... (Destiny)

by Oholiab @, Tuesday, September 22, 2015, 01:47 (3447 days ago) @ petetheduck

I didn't get much play time in the first week, and I'm left wanting more. That's a good thing - the story was really fun, and I feel like the game is just getting started. So much to see and do! I look forward to hearing from Ghost and Cayde - some great lines from those two. Speaking of the story... I'm feeling a little lost. What happened to the Queen? Who are the hidden? What does Eris take from the sword? Is she working for the Queen?? What happened to Oryx? What about the Stranger and the Y1 story?

My hunter is 265... if I max everything. In reality, I'm probably somewhere around 230 because my highest level gear is of no practical benefit to me (i.e., has no perks for hand cannons or sniper rifles). I really, really miss my hand cannon reloader and my "carry more ammo for hand cannon and sniper rifles".

I feel a little bit stuck in the "blue zone", but that's probably because I just haven't had much time for legendary drops. Also, I have not been able to purchase anything with my Legendary Marks because the younger Guardian who shares my account buys things for his Warlock before I can buy for my Hunter. I'm really feeling that change for the negative (I realize I'm probably a part of a very small minority who has this issue, but it hurts progress). I don't like being reliant on RNG so much; I prefer to make my own fate.

Speaking of Fate... the highlight(?) of the week is that I gave up my Fatebringer.... for a Y2 Hawkmoon. While I miss the Firefly perk and the elemental damage, I am really enjoying Hawkmoon's larger mag and smooth operation.

I have not yet fully leveled my Nightstalker, but so far I really like the enhanced radar perk. Also, as much as I like how it binds enemies, I wish it would accomplish more kills in the process. Again, maybe I just haven't leveled it enough to really feel the power.

In conclusion, after week one, I'm savoring the story and really looking forward to experiencing new content. If only I could get the gear I really want!

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