
OMG - ResEdit! (Off-Topic)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Tuesday, October 06, 2015, 03:08 (3175 days ago) @ Mid7night

You too!?! That was my favorite thing to mess around with on our old family SE. I REALLY freaked my dad out when I replaced the smiley-Mac startup screen with a pic of an A-10 staring you down! :D

That, and hacking together invincible ships with EVERY weapon in "Escape Velocity". :P

I mostly remember breaking things and trying to figure out how to glue them back together. In hind sight, I really shouldn't have been allowed to dig around in Resource files like that. I was like Mickey in Fantasia, dabbling in magics that I truly did not understand. :)

Edit: and it was glorious!

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