
OMG - ResEdit! (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Tuesday, October 06, 2015, 12:56 (3175 days ago) @ Mid7night

That, and hacking together invincible ships with EVERY weapon in "Escape Velocity". :P

I did that too :) Also hacked custom graphics onto the ships.

Absolutely! One of the first ones I made was an Enterprise (TNG). :D

I swear, that program is the single largest reason everyone in my family asks me for tech help. It's not because I'm a computer or software engineer - I'm not! - it's because I learned early on not to be afraid to TRY STUFF, and learn from it! ResEdit taught me the importance of backup saves that you can revert to if you mess up, and (for lack of a better term) "rabbit hole diving"; where you just ask yourself "I wonder where THIS goes?...." ;)

The older I get, the more it frustrates me how well the younger generation "tries stuff", and how entrenched corporate uppity-ups are at NOT.

I credit my career in the software industry with not being afraid of computers (unlike some my age), and my fearlessness came from experimenting on a Mac.

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