
All of them! (Off-Topic)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Tuesday, October 06, 2015, 19:19 (3175 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Override was ultimately my favorite because:

- The universe started small around you but if you got the nerve to explore you'd find entire civilizations with their own interests and troubles.
- The storylines while somewhat simply told were exciting and immersive in a use your imagination kind of way.
- While you could not end the major conflicts (Voinian war, Crecent War, etc) you could cause a major shift in power one way or the other.
- The combat balance was almost perfect. Warships mattered. Fighters and Carriers mattered. Technologies from one conflict were sometimes far more or less useful in other regions. And each races strengths really did compliment and offset each other.
- The UE Cruiser. Rescuing shipwright Anna Balashova and getting a ship that could kick ass anywhere in the galaxy. Amazing.

I remember many a night playing with one of my mates as a kid. We would stay up until the sun came up trading off commanding our ship across the galaxy. So so so good.

I have a certain prototype I like to develop when testing game engines and it's based pretty heavily on EV. Absolutely love it. It's in my blood.

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