
Trying (part of) the question again (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Monday, October 12, 2015, 17:24 (3426 days ago) @ Claude Errera

So, the question (as I read it) was "how do you cross the 300 threshhold without raid gear when you're already in the high 290s?"

This was an interesting question to me, since I have exactly the same question.

All of the answers, so far, have been talking about how to GET to the high 290s, which the OP didn't really need (well, on his main).

So let me ask again, more clearly:

If you have a character that's in the high 290s (297-299), and you're already doing the high-light-decoding trick, and you haven't finished the raid... how do you cross the 300 barrier?

Here are all of the sources of light 300 or higher items which I am aware of, which are also not from the raid:

- Chaos Theory D, a light 300 shotgun, is the reward for the 5 strikes, 5 heroic strikes, 1 nightfall quest chain.
- You get a light 300 relic for finishing Eris' court of Oryx rank 3 quest chain (court of oryx 3 can also drop light 300 legendaries and blues).
- Until they patch it, Black Spindle is a light 310 weapon from a secret daily heroic mission.
- I have not done this yet, but I've been told that you get a 300 ghost shell from finishing the Taken War quest chain completely (can someone verify this?).
- I have gotten a high percentage of light 300 drops from the elimination crucible playlist (of my 20 or so games, I've gotten 5 as rewards at the end of a full match, both from winning and losing).
- You can get light 300 rewards from rep packages from any and all factions.

Of note:
- Raid drops are guaranteed between 300 and 310 and are hands down the best means of crossing the 300 threshold. Go raid! It's fun!!!
- There are no activities in the game which require light higher than 290. Anything higher than that is purely an ego stroke right now. There is one (ONE) special strike for the Touch of Malice that is light 300, but it is fully doable at 290 (albeit very difficult).

My advice would be to either chain vanguard heroic strikes, farm the court of oryx (doing as many rank 3s as possible), or play the elimination playlist, depending on which game mode appeals to you the most. Mix and match to keep things interesting!

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