I got what I expected.

by jazo, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 09:07 (4193 days ago) @ corporatekiller

This was the gameplay reveal. They weren't going to go through a list of features since they were trying to show us the game, which they did quite well.

It was some what scripted sure, most demos are. The key points for me were seeing the detail they have in the environments, the new graphical/lighting engine shining marvelously, and the "feel" of combat which seems to be very Halo'y but with magic now instead of grenades.

The people joining on the fly was a nifty part of the demo as well and is telling of how they plan to integrate co-op in sans menus.

Story bits.. I mean we have to give Bungie some credit here. They aren't going to reveal really anything detailed until closer to launch and I personally trust this company to deliver a compelling story. We know there are several different factions and a mysterious giant sphere hovering over Earth... things will be explained as they should. I personally do not want to know very much because then it treads into the movie-trailer-showing-too-much territory.

Only thing I wished was touched on is competitive multiplayer. That will be explained soon. What makes me excited is actually seeing their work! It's been so long since Destiny was rumored and announced. Great to finally see things in action!

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