Sony drives the nail in a little farther

by Beckx, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 11:50 (4193 days ago) @ NsU Soldier
edited by Beckx, Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 12:03

Shots fired all night long.

No online check-ins
Region free
User upgradeable hard drives
Drive Club free on launch of PS4 for PS+ users

Bummer that they are imposing a multiplayer paywall but at least it covers the console regardless of who's using it.

It does stink that they are going to charge for multiplayer now, but you don't have to have a PS+ account to stream Netflix, Hulu or other such services which is nice. And (for now) it'll still be cheaper than Xbox Live, so there's that too.


And no creepy mandatory Kinect to collect "market research" data on you!

A shame that neither have any backwards compatibility though...

Yeah. They slipped that paywall in there - it's not all roses. But at least they later said that all accounts on the console get access to PS+ features. And on the DRM front they aren't prohibiting publishers from implementing their own DRM solutions [EDIT: to block online play only] (so, for example, Destiny could ship with a one-time use account code). But probably not reasonable to expect that.

No mandatory camera is a big deal. I still can't believe that MS's confirmation of a mandatory camera & online check in came out on the same day as the PRISM disclosure.

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