
My Time as a Sunbreaker, and Why I Am Now a Gunslinger (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Monday, October 19, 2015, 18:55 (3418 days ago)

When TTK dropped, I was determined to be a Sunbreaker... That hammer just had so much appeal to me. I started out down the path to Sunbreaking, and it was glorious. I couldn't wait to get to PvP and chuck some hammers. Once I leveled the subclass a bit, I starting running in PvP and it was sooo satisfying. Damage reduction, health regen, plenty of OHK hammers. It was great.... At least when I had my super. I set up my gear to max intellect - with discipline as a secondary focus. When my super came, I wrecked.... The early days were so wonderful.

Then... Word got out (literally like the week TTK dropped) - Hammers are OP. You hear that *CLANG* and you run... Even if you are Sunbreaking. This Super was the Super to end all Supers... And, honestly it is probably the best overall super in the game.

All of the sudden, things changed. My super was still very difficult to stop, but most people just ran. It became harder and harder to get kills with. My play of the Sunbreaker became less about the Super, and more about the non-super times (grenades, Melee, shooting)... I started to realize something... The Titan Melee SUCKS. Sunbreaker Grenades are not great (AKA top Tier). I would get 2, maybe 3 supers a game, and in increasingly more and more games, find less and less people to hit (as they all just ran). Unless the map was Thieves Den (Make 1 lap... KILL EVERYTHING).

So... I decided to try out my Gunslinger again in the new Crucible. I had saved the Ahamkara Spine arms (wanted to try out Double Trip Mines). Pre-TTK, my K/D was around 1.6 on my Gunslinger, and 1.2 on my Striker... In TTK I was around 1.2 with Sunbreaker.

In my first few games running as a Gunslinger again... I averaged 1.7 K/D over the first 5 games... I was getting noticeably more kills, particularly with Trip Mines (Double! and Armor levels are lower). Add in double throwing knives and I had SO MANY MORE TOOLS, plus and insane Super I can get 3-4 times in a game...

I started to realize something... If you consider all aspects of a Subclass, honestly I think Gunslingers are way better than Sunbreakers. The problem is... The Sunbreaker has one ability that outshines every other subclass (and it's own tool belt) in such a noticeable way, that people HATE it.

Honestly, my Gunslinger is OP. Two tripmines is insane with the new armor Meta. Golden Gun still trumps all (except Sunbreaker 50% of the time and even then, you can usually kill them and live if you are ready), and throwing knives are a hugely useful PvP tool. Also, Double Jump is very easy to use offensively (lift, not so much).

My opinion: Bungie gave Sunbreakers an incredible super because Titan's are weak in the neutral game. This strength is so strong, everyone notices it and complains. Sunbreakers will be nerfed (in the super department), and the class will be mediocre because the grenades, melee and jump are just OK or bad. Meanwhile, my Gunslinger is a PvP monster, and no one cares (which is good news for me... :).

Subtle and varied perks and strengths go unnoticed (even when they stack well in PvP), but a relatively weak subclass (Non Supering sunbreaker) with a CRAZY powerful super gets called OP because it's singular strength is very strong.

Overall, I think Titans need better grenades and melee or neutral game buff. Defender bubble should be indestructible. Nerf Sunbreaker Super, but buff the neutral game. And Boom, it's all good.

I'm going to keep running Gunslinger though... These guys are sick.

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