
I main a titan, use my hunter for PvP. (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Monday, October 19, 2015, 20:10 (3418 days ago) @ Doooskey
edited by dogcow, Monday, October 19, 2015, 20:13

Titans are terrible in PvP.

Seriously, warlocks have a shotgun-range melee that can get overshield on hit. Hunters have a melee that's a throwing knife which can have wicked range for a melee (tho' it does require finesse to use well). Titans, the tanks, melee the range of an intimate hug that can get overshield only if it's the finishing blow, oh, and it doesn't proc if you melee them twice to get the kill.

Maybe this could be okay if the titan melee was insanely fast, and recharged much quicker, but it isn't and doesn't and warlocks snipe me with their melees from 1/2 way across the room. It's my opinion that the warlock & titan overshield on hit/kill should be swapped. :) (no, I don't have a bone to pick, no chip on my shoulder-charge either) ;)

This and increased agility is why I use my Hunter in PvP. Maybe I should try my Warlock again. He hasn't been used in PvP or PvE since the Dark Below...

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