
Early reports from King's Fall hard mode *Spoilers* (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, October 23, 2015, 20:51 (3414 days ago) @ dogcow

"If you've already done Normal this week, you'll only get drops from the Hard table."
"The chests can only drop loot once per week, so if you've already done Normal you get nothing."

I'm confused now. I ran the raid on Tuesday so no loot for me? Or only drops from the Hard table?

I imagine only drops from the bosses, but nothing out of a chest. So Warpriest & Golgoroth will give you stuff... Not sure about Oryx as things don't drop off his body when you kill it, maybe the chest after killing him is different than the others? I dunno. (nor do I know about the sisters).

Some random person on reddit said this:

If you completed normal this week, you can still get loot from the Totems chest and from the Daughters chest in Hard Mode. When you completed normal you took the shards out and the chance at normal raid items. That's it.

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