
lol... (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 23:00 (3083 days ago) @ Korny

Because there are elements that I still enjoy. Forge being a key element that you don't see in other games (heck, it's not even in Halo 5 at the moment). People still love the original Star Wars trilogy and EU, and they're excited for episode 7. Should they just walk away from the franchise just because George Lucas butchered the universe that they love with the Prequels? Should they walk away just because Disney decided that the EU is entirely non-canon now?

No, but if you didn't like Episode I or II, would you really be all that hopeful or invested in Episode III?

I love elements of Halo, and so I will endure 343's Star Wars Prequels, because there could be an Episode 7 on the horizon...

That's awfully optimistic of Episode 7! I mean, I agree, because it looks freaking amazing, but they're also doing a very, very, very good job of tapping into original trilogy nostalgia . . .

Yeah, the way they just smile and pat their backs despite disasters like the MCC and people's negative reactions to their story kind of bug me. Grim did give some eye-opening insight a week ago with regards to trying to reconcile the new crap with the old gold, but it's just not enough to say "it is what it is, and it's not going to change".

At least, it's not enough for me. There is too much potential for Halo to be great again, 343 just isn't headed in that direction enough for me.

And, as I've said before, I think it is enough (for me), and in some respects might actually prefer they just come out and say that, rather than trying to reconcile all the differences and changes that will never make sense or fit.

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