lol... (Gaming)

by Avateur @, Thursday, November 26, 2015, 00:54 (3083 days ago) @ Korny

Because there are elements that I still enjoy. Forge being a key element that you don't see in other games (heck, it's not even in Halo 5 at the moment). People still love the original Star Wars trilogy and EU, and they're excited for episode 7. Should they just walk away from the franchise just because George Lucas butchered the universe that they love with the Prequels?

Yep! And then it got sold to Disney and gave many people a reason to get interested again.

I love elements of Halo, and so I will endure 343's Star Wars Prequels, because there could be an Episode 7 on the horizon...

Well, that's assuming Episode 7 is great. I've felt for years like J.J. Abrams was better suited for Star Wars than Star Trek, but if his Star Trek work is any indication of what we may be getting in Star Wars, it may end up as a "ripoff" of Episode IV that parallels it almost too obnoxiously to show any real creativity or risk. His Star Trek movies were great sci-fi movies, but pretty bad Star Trek movies. I have high hopes and am very hyped for Episode 7, but I'm very, very cautious. Oh, and unlike those Star Trek movies or even the Star Wars prequels, 343's got three failures in a row in an interactive medium. Dead franchise is dead. This comparison you're making would require 343 to lose the franchise and have some new entity take it up to potentially revive Halo (like Disney getting Star Wars and trying to continue it on). 343 isn't gonna do it (though I did predict at one point back over at HBO that H5 would fail and H6 would probably be the Halo the world deserves, but I'm skeptical at myself on that one after MCC and the H5 that the world got).

Also, unrelated, but glad we're in agreement on what the MLG people did to Halo 4. Just when I felt like it got to a redeemable point, bam, Bravo and other MLG people screwed it all up. Don't nobody got time for that.

Also more, Black Ops 3 is seriously that good? I made the unfortunate failure of buying Advanced Warfare thinking it might be good. That sure was stupid. I haven't gone anywhere near Black Ops 3 because CoD has sucked for years. Is it at all worth my time, or should I send all the cashes to the Fallouts and Battlefronts?

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