
Story problems? Think of 343's Halo as a reboot. (Gaming)

by Quirel, Thursday, November 26, 2015, 03:42 (3083 days ago) @ Funkmon

I consider 343's Halo a different series. It's not my Halo I loved since 2001, but you can learn to love it again if your continuity stops after ODST.

I don't want to love it. Without the Halo brand, it's a shallow sort of science fiction that draws from the worst parts of anime and comic books. The ancillary stories are mediocre with the exception of Last Light, which easily reads as an entry to the Bungie-era canon.

The problem isn't just that 343i isn't making a good continuation of Halo, it's that their stories are awful on their own merits.

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