
Meta: How can something so silent be SO NOISY! (DBO)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Saturday, January 25, 2020, 13:45 (1841 days ago)

This post was originally to be posted in the root thread of Disintegration Beta, but as I typed it up, I found it's topic to be relevant enough for its own thread - so here we go.

So as per present usual, we get ourselves on a tangent here at DBO. What started with an innocent informative post on the upcoming game beta by a Grizzled/Disembodied Halo Dev became about micro-transactions and whatnot. I was - originally - going to post somewhere around the time when Harmanimus brought the perspective of Artists being paid for their work, or something along those lines. Yet when I read this, it was late and I needed to get to bed. I'll make a post tomorrow I said.

When I returned but a few hours later, the spark of some tone took off and I didn't even need to click to see the substance as the amount and titles were enough. As the day progressed and the list of threads grew at quite a rate I standing at my distance remarked "How can something so silent be SO NOISY!". I eventually clicked a random post, where breitzen - who in my purview trends rather cool - ended with the hashtag "Reboot Humanity". Oh... well that tends well.

Outside this forum, I know not your lives. Be that for better or worse time shall tell, but I do know that there are many things outside this forum that may be, have been, or so goes the jest - which fray at the nerves. Classic Horsemen doing their historical rounds, same but different. We reflect and respond to our environments to survive for whatever an end. I suppose that's why I'm making this post right now... yeah. I ain't goin', don't jump.

I've been posting here since 2013, just shy of 7 years. Gotta say... sure shoot'n feels longer then that. Before that, I did dabble @ HBO, but not by much as the forum format was a touch much for me. When I joined this forum, it was for a multitude of reasons. One, the given, DESTINY The Game. The other main reason, and I've mentioned this before, is the general tone this forum had. When compared to many other forums across the net, this place was... what word do I want to use? Jovial? Reasoned? Don't let the imagination take this too far, it's still an internet forum, but... it was nice having discussions with perspectives I may have not considered before. Case and point back to this current now, Harmanimus brought a perspective with merit I've not seen mentioned before, regardless on agreement. I would like to explore that, but it seems moot as it all gets lost in the briny expectorate in this sea of posts. I'm afraid to touch it, lest I get sucked into the tempest of fury.


We used to have... far more adults in the room here. On this I.P. of the internet. Not a lone word, and I obviously don't mean age... but that description will do. I mean not of moderation (which for this place is another topic entirely) but users of personal capacity to not make every single thing you disagree with suddenly some sort of personal vendetta. How many times have we in this forum made statements about the Destiny The Game subreddits salt content. Well, now how the shoe is on the other foot. Any blueberry can see "this place is too salty, I'm going back to reddit". But it's worse then that, as it isn't strictly about Destiny.

As this forum, and the game at large, has grown we've also gained... I won't call them bad actors, as I don't think that is their intention, but they contently have been destroyers of decorum. Of which, in my knowledge, only one has been permanently (a very well earned) ban. Every other word was baseless vitriol, and every word after that was a pessimism present-day Korny seemingly aspires to. Our banned poster would bluntly decree how Destiny is the worst game ever, and the people who play it are even worse... cool story bro... banned. With nonsense like this, we all lose our cool sometimes (and unfortunately some easier then others). Yet... I'm starting to see a pattern.

I've noted some who are constant - to the point of guarantee - with strong, emotional language. Loosely built, and with direct assertions. A reckless throwing of barbs, and a falling knife has no handle. Seeing these verbal knives thrown your way, and even the coolest cat will bark with in defense. To Survive. Or... just leave. TO survive.

Which brings me to the meat of this post;What's goin' on folks? What changed? What needs to change? Can we change it? I don't think we're lost yet, but I'm seeing the posts thin more and more AND I had to say something. What's goin' on folks? Is it life? Is it a change in nature? Something else?

TL;DR - This forum has become this clip far more then I like.

In the collective isolation of the net, have we gone mad? One foot in home, and one foot in this world collection, have we lost the perspective of things? Can we save ourselves from this madness? That answer is yea, but you got to want it more then entropy does. Or shall we succumb to it? How many chains of weakness have we now? Speak now so we may solve, or stay silent so that we may be swept away by the pattern of things, to where ever it takes us. The choice shall be the vote.

...presuming we can do this without repeating the reason of my post in the first place.


Reboot Humanity

by breitzen @, Kansas, Saturday, January 25, 2020, 16:46 (1841 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Is just the tag-line for Disintegration. Although I understand how that may have read, it certainly wasn’t a comment on anyone here! I still enjoy being a member of this community and expect that to continue, even if that means I’m not as active. For a variety of reasons, not just the levels of salt in the water. ;)


That is funny.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Saturday, January 25, 2020, 18:30 (1841 days ago) @ breitzen

[Reboot Humanity] is just the tag-line for Disintegration. Although I understand how that may have read, it certainly wasn’t a comment on anyone here! I still enjoy being a member of this community and expect that to continue, even if that means I’m not as active. For a variety of reasons, not just the levels of salt in the water. ;)

... it... it is??????


Son. Of a bitch.






Well shit. LOL.


I’m convinced some people here just really love arguing.

by CyberKN ⌂ @, Oh no, Destiny 2 is bad, Saturday, January 25, 2020, 19:57 (1841 days ago) @ INSANEdrive


People everywhere

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, January 26, 2020, 03:56 (1840 days ago) @ CyberKN

It's our weird way of saying "I like this thing, and I like talking about it with you".

You're running late

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, January 26, 2020, 04:03 (1840 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

I was expecting this post from someone, in addition to something overly verbose and hand-wringing for yourself, about 2 days ago.

Convenient that you've combined them both into a single thread though.

P.S. No hate <3


Likewise. You're late.

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Sunday, January 26, 2020, 16:39 (1840 days ago) @ someotherguy

I was expecting this post from someone, in addition to something overly verbose and hand-wringing for yourself, about 2 days ago.

Convenient that you've combined them both into a single thread though.

P.S. No hate <3

You're a wily fellow someotherguy, and I think you know full well what you are saying, so let me ask you this if I may:

Why would you post this? ... or maybe this would be more poignant a question... Why do you mock me? Why do you dare mock my concern? Mock my manner of speech?

How dare you sir. How dare you.

If you have something to say, please SPEAK. If you have nothing to say, nothing to add, STAY SILENT. Don't play this half road "no hate" NONSENSE. This sure as shoot'n ain't lemonade you're sell'n brother, and it only adds to the insult and the concerns that you have so mocked.

Amusement, mostly

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, January 26, 2020, 17:05 (1840 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

My own and, if I'm lucky, maybe one or two others in the peanut gallery.

I really do mean no hate, we clearly just dont see eye to eye. I dislike your flowery (dare I say pompous? Very good!) delivery, and had genuinely been wondering where you were, so this arrived like a christmas present.

Likewise, you dislike my general tone and snark. I don't take personal offense or wish you any ill. In principle I even agree with your message. Our means of delivery are just so different that they're essentially irreconcileable.



by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, January 27, 2020, 00:40 (1839 days ago) @ someotherguy

My own and, if I'm lucky, maybe one or two others in the peanut gallery.

I really do mean no hate, we clearly just dont see eye to eye. I dislike your flowery (dare I say pompous? Very good!) delivery, and had genuinely been wondering where you were, so this arrived like a christmas present.

Likewise, you dislike my general tone and snark. I don't take personal offense or wish you any ill. In principle I even agree with your message. Our means of delivery are just so different that they're essentially irreconcileable.

(So... does that mean Harmanimus is speaking a whole 'nother language for you or... *bah*... I digress...)

At my core, my (the word I use is) -exacting- manner of speech IS because of Britannia...erm... British Television. Everything from The Avengers, Hercule Poirot, "Are You Being Served?"... so on. Hence, ironic, ya limey bastard. Hence... I'm crazy :P. I do apologize if what has been so chiseled into the stones of my old soul brings you pain.
My perchance for poetry, blood in the eyes.

Speaking of crazy... you dislike the manner of my posts, but have been wondering where I was? You poor thing. You Brits sure do love self agony don't ya? Eh... to the meat of the matter and eye to eye. Does snark translate well on these textual internets? Often not. And tone can ebb on the mood we bring with us. No... no your guess to what brings me concern, which you brought here in prime example, is incorrect. It is not you nor any other one still here. Zero Fucks... how's that for flowers. The insult part is but a snap of my fingers, your mock -intended or not- of my concern is a puff of hot air. The burn is on your character, not mine. What brings me concern is a post that ultimately exists to be selfish, in whatever its form. Now I know(?), who am I to freek'n dictate? I'm not a mod, nor admin, nor some (as far as I know) close link in blood (as if that would help?). I dictate because what I care about is quality, as implied in my original utterance. That's it. I'm a simple man. And it's not even all that exacting, it's rather broad in scope. I want this little corner of the net to thrive, and we're small enough that we can do it. (For more information ask Marty! ;D)

I hope I am not alone in a want of quality, or all this is for not. Here...

I was expecting this post from someone, in addition to something overly verbose and hand-wringing for yourself, about 2 days ago.

Convenient that you've combined them both into a single thread though.

P.S. No hate <3

How is this supposed to further discussion? (The irony of the question is not lost on me.)

So when you come to this, and post that you KNEW someone was going to post *this*, what have you added? What is it you are saying? Nothing in this post implies that you agree, I suppose disagree... or maybe not... I don't know. +1? -1? You took the time to post more then a blurb, so what am I working with here? What am I supposed to go off of? What is it you are saying? I sure ain't getting "Ha ha ha this amuses me". Your post exists for an ego - LOOK HOW SMART you are. OH WOW! (P.S. No hate <3)


I mean... I'm so glad you got your kick, your "Amusement, mostly", but you're not a child (I presume). Your action has repercussions. Our actions, repercussions... I can't even fathom while I write it. I can guess, but to the wind. I hope I have conveyed my meaning well, both now and to the future. Am I speaking to you right now? Can you reply to this? Or does nothing else need be said? Re-per-cussions.

Posts made selfishly (and some times one is too much) poison the social well, and I say that with experience as I used to do the same thing (ignorantly). The EXACT blasted thing. For Amusement*. Ya know... primordial-internet-I-don't-know-you-assholes (and Kermit) how-the-fuck-can-I-care-what-happens? I just want to kick back and yammer after a long day. Spit loose, and the internet is my pub. It's all about the kicks, right? Just say... whatever. It doesn't matter. Bah. If past you is stupid, that probably means you're progressing. Probably. I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yet... and here is the kicker... Amusement is fine**! HOW'S THAT for a double take! Shoot, that's why we're here at this forum, but if there is to be continued discussion beyond Destiny The Game in this stripped down format, where I can't see your face (Hallelujah!) and can't hear your voice, well all I have is what is writ in the page, so don't poison the well. Strive to bring some quality to the table and share it among us.

If the well is not poisoned, spinning like a whirlpool, we all get our social fill as we talk about... whatever. We get to jump in and converse! Explore ideas, learn things we may have missed, ask questions, get messy, and generally better ourselves in some capacity. That's it. It's... rather simple. I didn't jump in and converse because the well seemed poisoned. One too many in so many weeks. After a while... you either find out what's poisoning it, or find another water hole. That makes sense, yes? You can decipher this, yes?

Ya limey bastard.

*(I was also trying to figure out this speaking thing at minimum, but that's a ball of wax for a book.)
**(Ha ha made you look.) :P


by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Monday, January 27, 2020, 02:13 (1839 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
edited by someotherguy, Monday, January 27, 2020, 03:13

I tried. Honestly. But you're exhausting to read.

In the absence of a translator, I dont have the energy (nor wherewithal) to go through it point by point (if indeed there are any points). But I think you enjoyed writing it? So I'm happy enough for that

Edit to add: I think your "voice" for want of a better word reminds me of a much younger me. I didnt like him all that much. It's hard to shake that automatic reaction, though I'm sure you're nothing like him. A peek behind the curtain for you.


*contentedly munches Smartfood popcorn*

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Monday, January 27, 2020, 09:24 (1839 days ago) @ someotherguy

- No text -

OT: What is a smartfood?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 07:23 (1838 days ago) @ Morpheus

I've never heard that term before. Is it a brand we dont have in the UK? Or some kind of superfood subgroup?

Smartfood Popcorn was however the name of my highschool acapella group.


OT: What is a smartfood?

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 07:37 (1838 days ago) @ someotherguy

Yeah, it's basically a lighter/"healthier" popcorn.


I doubt it's been distributed to the UK yet, since it's essentially recent, but it's a good substitute for chips or something fatty.

Ironically, for a company called Smartfood, they've literally made nothing else.


OT: What is a smartfood?

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 20:16 (1837 days ago) @ Morpheus

Wait, how is cheese-stuffed popcorn healthier than plain popcorn?


OT: What is a smartfood?

by Morpheus @, High Charity, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 12:20 (1837 days ago) @ ZackDark

Wait, how is cheese-stuffed popcorn healthier than plain popcorn?

Eh. Who knows. On the bag it says gluten free(isn't most popcorn?) and no artificial stuff, plus 14g of grains per serving. I did put healthier in quotes. ;-)

That's their claim, apparently.

OT: What is a smartfood?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 03:47 (1837 days ago) @ Morpheus

Aha! We have some similar brands here, and they're super tasty. But unfortunately still popcorn, which I hate. I dont know if its just me but I cant eat popcorn without it getting stuck in my teeth or throat.


OT: What is a smartfood?

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 08:10 (1837 days ago) @ someotherguy

Aha! We have some similar brands here, and they're super tasty. But unfortunately still popcorn, which I hate. I dont know if its just me but I cant eat popcorn without it getting stuck in my teeth or throat.

Floss and a chug of water should solve that. I have popcorn about once a week. I treat it like a treat. I really don't like the premade stuff, but it took me a while to get it right at home. On the stovetop in a pot, use a liberal amount of grapeseed or coconut oil (optional for flavor, some bacon grease or ghee), half a cup of popcorn (kept in the freezer), Redmond Real Salt, butter.

When a few test kernels have popped, take it off the heat, add the rest of your popcorn and let it sit for 30 seconds (at this point I apply a little salt). Put back on heat until popped. Salt again but be careful, not too much. Drizzle with melted butter (optional, especially if you've already used ghee.)

Kermit Cookbook when?

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 11:44 (1837 days ago) @ Kermit

- No text -



by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 11:46 (1837 days ago) @ someotherguy

Also, down here we have specialized popcorn cooking pots. It has a stirrer that lets you stir the crap out of the corns while they don't pop, to get them all evenly heated. Can't recommend enough.



by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 14:42 (1837 days ago) @ ZackDark

Also, down here we have specialized popcorn cooking pots. It has a stirrer that lets you stir the crap out of the corns while they don't pop, to get them all evenly heated. Can't recommend enough.

Yeah, that’s what the 30 seconds off heat are for—to get the other kernels up to almost popping temperature, then put it back on the heat. Once popping starts it finishes quickly.


Apologies for the Delay

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, February 03, 2020, 20:15 (1831 days ago) @ someotherguy

I tried. Honestly. But you're exhausting to read.

Speech is a two way street and from where I sit, everyone looks the same to me. So I'm forced to just provide the raw deal I have to give and hope for the best it communicates through. Should a person have the patience though, you can bet I do my darnedest to make sure reading what I have to say is worth it. BIG or small.

Which also is the one of points, by the way. Not sure what's so hard to comprehend about that.

In the absence of a translator, I dont have the energy (nor wherewithal) to go through it point by point (if indeed there are any points). But I think you enjoyed writing it? So I'm happy enough for that

There are points. Indeed elements of this post too are surrounded by them. Since that might not be enough though as something something same result different result insanity something, here is another set of examples that may help;

Let me stop you there, no need to thank me.

I must admit, I've learned -over time- a certain enjoyment in (anachronistic?) speech. But in "enjoy[ing] writing it"? No. If I could say less as needed, I would. If I could speak and say nothing in need, it would be very helpful, or so I imagine. You see, on these here internets in particular, silence can be deafening. What has NOT been said can be far louder, as we are left to the ignorance of our interpretation at far greater a range. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's not ignorance at all.

Well, at least I got to entertain.

Edit to add: I think your "voice" for want of a better word reminds me of a much younger me. I didnt like him all that much. It's hard to shake that automatic reaction, though I'm sure you're nothing like him. A peek behind the curtain for you.

Thank you. I'm pretty sure I've seen this movie before. I suppose that's one of the overall points too... too. How fitting the conversation changed to popcorn then.

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