
Terminals Work, Grimoires Don't (Destiny)

by Jillybean, Sunday, September 14, 2014, 14:32 (3520 days ago)

While I was never a huge fan of Terminals, I tolerated them. The big problem with both the Terminals and the Grimoire cards are that they violate that tired old saying "Show, Don't Tell".

So why do I tolerate them in Halo but detest them in Destiny? I don't think it's the need to use a second screen, because I am one of those awful people who has two, if not three screens on the go at any one time. (However I think there's something to be said for not putting content that requires reading on a secondary device when there's no 'pause' in your game). I think it's because now, in Destiny, they're the only method of conveying story.

This is really irritating me. In Halo, Terminals told a second story, running in a different time from the current story, one that informed the Halo games but didn't need to be there. Even Sadie's story in what is undoubtedly my favourite Bungie game isn't really necessary to enjoy the Rookie's story. You might be left with some holes without it, but the Rookie has her own arc.

Now, leaving aside the fact that an MMO (or shared world shooter) cannot really have a character arc, the Grimoire cards are telling the same story as the game, and so they are by design giving information not inherent within the game, information I need to understand my character's story.

It really, really, really bugs me.

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