I Never Did the Terminals (Destiny)

by Blue_Blazer_NZ, Wellington, New Zealand, Sunday, September 14, 2014, 15:06 (3520 days ago) @ Jillybean

I never got into the Terminals in Halo because I'm not a fan of having to go outside a game to fill the gaps in a story. Thing is, I still fully "get" Halo and it's awesome story.

I have played through Destiny's story and, one mission to the next, it always felt like I wasn't really doing anything profound. I turned to the Grimoire cards in the hope of figuring it all out; but still I just don't "get" the purpose of doing the story missions beyond being Peter Dinklage's glorified mode of transport from one door/terminal to the next.

It just seems bizarre - surely someone from Bungie played through the story, played through the strikes, fought the lacklustre bosses and thought "something is missing". It just feels...underwhelming.

So yes, I agree - it really, really bugs me.

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