
Because armour = level (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, January 12, 2015, 16:12 (3401 days ago) @ RC

I have forgotten: why is it necessary to use mults of the same class. I understand THAT it gives an advantage but I can't remember why (if I ever knew).

Once you get one set of high or max-level armour, you instantly have 3 characters at max level if they're all the same class. Which makes running Raids and Nightfalls easier, and so chasing down Exotic weapons easier.

Whereas if you have 3 different classes, you have to find 3 full sets of high level armour, invest XP in all three sets and acquire and spend 3x the materials to fully upgrade them.

I had a moan about level=armour and the whole Light mechanic a few months ago. But one problem at a time. ;)

In addition it makes finding the gear easier in the first place, since you have three raids per week all giving out your class' armor potentially.

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