Search results for tag 'weapon'
Showing results 1 - 14 of 14 matches
Season 20 Weapon Tuning

There's an update on Bungie discussing weapon updates for the upcoming season. Topics include updates to weapon archetypes, exotics, perks and hints on future tweaks. Click the banner to read, then
discuss it on our forum.
ManKitten | Feb 1, 2023 02:36 pm |
An Armory to Drool Over

reddit/imgur user tsabotsaboc
posted a gallery of images of Destiny weapons he's either created or helped to create. They're glorious! The
reddit thread is pretty interesting reading, in itself; there's even
a YouTube channel containing things like
this time-lapse video showing the making of his Thorn hand cannon and a video
demonstrating the effects on his Destiny swords. Explore! And maybe get inspired! Thanks,
Claude Errera | May 3, 2016 10:20 am |
Legendary Weapons Not Going Forward
Kidtsunami was first in our forum with the Game Informer article revealing that Year One Legendary weapons will not be able to ascend to Year Two standards. Start saying your goodbyes - but also start preparing for some "genuinely novel shooting experiences".
Leviathan | Aug 4, 2015 10:49 am |
LEGO of that Icebreaker!
See - a LEGO pun! Bet nobody's done that before. Anyways, SigbiasSilva let us know about a pretty great fan creation that's been making the rounds: a LEGO Icebreaker. That fiery sniper rifle that keeps on giving!
Leviathan | Feb 6, 2015 04:15 pm |
Imagining an Exotic
Community member and treasured artist, TDSpiral, took a stab at imagining an Exotic handcannon called "The Serpent" created originally by a fan on Reddit. The results were awesome, and while I picked my favorite to highlight here, he's got a wallop of variations to gaze at.

Leviathan | Feb 3, 2015 04:24 pm |
He's Got The Last Word
After The Last Word was Xurred last weekend, iconicbanana showed us a fan-made prop he found through Reddit, created by Sloan. There's some shots of a few custom Ghosts in the maker's blog post, too!

Leviathan | Nov 17, 2014 10:51 am |
Designing Guns
Black Six let us know that Isaac Hannaford updated his blog with a couple of Destiny gun concept compilations, mostly silhouette work but interesting nonetheless!

Leviathan | Nov 4, 2014 08:51 am |
Big Booms to say we're sorry
Ack! Looks like we've been lax on news delivery recently... sorry about that. Here, have a 3D printable Thunderlord posted by D3DP on reddit last week!

Claude Errera | Nov 3, 2014 08:41 am |
Water-gun to Space-gun

AnubisRex999 stopped by this week with
process shots revealing how he's created some cosplay weapons from off-the-shelf water/Nerf guns. Neat transformation!
Leviathan | Aug 29, 2014 01:21 pm |
An Auto Rifle You Can Hold
Lost Viking Props (well-known for their Halo weaponry) has posted pics of a Destiny Auto-Rifle in progress - looks fantastic! (Thanks for the heads-up, Lorraine!)

Claude Errera | Aug 16, 2014 10:41 pm |
Assessing the Assets

DestinyNews did a nice job of collecting screenshots of all the weapons they came across in the Alpha - swing by to see the
Weapons and
Armor pages! I'm drooling to see how big these lists will become in the actual game... thanks,
Claude Errera | Jun 24, 2014 03:27 pm |
RUL's Destiny News - Weapon Details
Greenskull, from Ready Up Live, went back through all the Drawing Board entries and compiled a new video showing you each of the special weapons revealed thus far in that series. A fine summary for those who need something quicker than reading!
Claude Errera | Sep 26, 2013 11:54 am |

Looks like
Karin Olava has finished her Gjallarhorn... and it's astounding. Those details... you just have to admire the touches. Remember: just one week ago, those faces
came out of the oven, in raw form - today, they are beautifully antiqued and looked carved from metal. Fantastic! Thanks to Spawn for
pointing it out on our forum.
Claude Errera | Sep 23, 2013 09:42 am |
Weapons While You Wait

The line for the Destiny booth has a neat slideshow showing off an armful of the weapons you can see in the demo. DattoDoesDestiny put together a video that'll give you the rundown, so check it out! (Thanks, electricpirate.)
ncsuDuncan | Jun 12, 2013 08:13 am |