This week at Bungie the fires of Iron Banner were lit again.
Efrideet has joined Saladin, just across the way from the Iron Temple. She's changing the ways in which Guardians prepare for battle against their true enemies. Iron Banner has a new Bounty system. The fight is a rewarding experience, no matter which day you choose to participate.
@DeeJ_BNG First game in
— Sam (@Eckelbopp_) October 6,
Feedback from the field has been favorable. We have seen reports of Legendary drops. Your results may vary. Join the battle. Fight for glory. Earn some sweet loot.
Wrath Intensifies
"What do you have for people who don't play in the Crucible?"
So glad you asked...
Have you ventured deep below the Plaguelands to destroy Aksis? If you have not, there is still time to increase your Light, form up a dream team, and embark on the mission. If you have completed that mission, the truest test of teamwork and cunning is yet to come.
The next leg of the race begins in a few weeks. Mark your calendars. Rally your allies. We know one Fireteam that is likely to try and redeem themselves with a title defense. When World First status hangs in the balance, the true final boss is the Fireteam that is one encounter ahead of you.
We'll be watching, and we'll celebrate the first team to return to orbit with a Mission Complete flag.
Bungie Versus The Chatroom
Last weekend, a small delegation from our studio had a blast at TwitchCon. We met many Guardians. It was a celebration of what has been an important rally point for our community - as well as a reminder that our own channel has been dark for too long.
What better way to show our appreciation of the Guardians who gather together to share their war stories in real time than to invite them to a fight? In the past, a Bungie Bounty has been an invitation to hunt us down in a Crucible playlist. Beyond the launch of Rise of Iron, we're changing the format. With Private Matches, we can challenge anyone we want! This Bungie Bounty is being issued to the people we'll find in the chatroom for our channel.
Bungie Bounty
Supremacy, PlayStation 4
Wednesday, October 12th
10AM Pacific
Come and hang out. We'll have Bungie people on the show to talk about the Crucible and play their own game. You could be plucked from chat to take us on and win an emblem.
And, yes, of course we'll do this on Xbox sometime, too.
At any moment of any day, we are aware of the state of the game. When you join our mission to address and troubleshoot the issues that keep players sidelined, it is Destiny Player Support that deals you into the feedback loop. They listen to the players, and tell them what they need to know.
Local Network Fireteam Issues
Since the release of Destiny Update 2.3.1, we have been investigating an issue where some players on Local Networks could not join Fireteams with each other. We have identified a potential workaround involving router settings that may enable some players to form a Fireteam once more.
If you currently have "NAT Acceleration" settings enabled on your router, this may lead to issues when attempting to join Fireteams. We recommend disabling this feature. For steps on how to do this, please refer to your routers manual. Some players may also need to perform a factory reset on their router to clear any previous settings that could be contributing to this issue. Once this has been done, please follow the steps within our Network Troubleshooting Guide to enable UPnP, which is required for multiple consoles to play Destiny on a local network.
We are continuing to investigate this issue, and will provide information through our Local Network Fireteam Issues thread as it becomes available.
Destiny: Rise of Iron Known Issues
The following issues are currently being investigated by internal teams:
- The S-39 Lightrider Sparrow is not currently available through Crucible Reputation Packages.
- Dusty Iron Engrams are incorrectly rewarding Legendary Marks when dismantled.
- Some players may be unable to reclaim Rise of Iron Crucible Emblems from the Collection in the Tower:
- Vigilant Disciple
- Solar Labor
- Ironwood Alight
- The New Wolf Pack
Additionally, we are investigating player reports that the Trophy/Achievement "Student of History" is not unlocking when players collect and attune all Iron Lord Artifacts. If you are currently experiencing this issue, please follow the troubleshooting steps within this Help Article. If the troubleshooting steps do not resolve the issue, please post a report to the #Help forum.
For all issues that we are investigating, please see the Destiny: Rise of Iron Known Issues thread in the #Help forum.
Movie Night
When you go see a movie, you can turn around and see that face peering through the little window on the back wall. They control everything you see and hear. At Bungie, that's this guy...
Cozmo: Welcome to another edition of Movie of the Week. We have an excellent selection of fine flicks, but first we need to take care of some housekeeping. If you would like a shot at seeing your movie featured here, the best place to fire it is at our Creations page. We have recently called on our incredible volunteer team of Ninjas and Mentors to help out with the approval process. This should greatly shorten the time it takes for your submissions to make an appearance.
As always, our winners will be receiving this fine Emblem to show off in orbit. Now please give a round of applause for this week's winners.
Movie of the Week: Fashion is Danger
Honorable Mention: 2 man Siege Engine
Honorable Mention: Eyes up here Guardian
We have some fun things to anticipate between now and the end of this calendar year.
Some of these things we've talked about - others we've only hinted. You next challenge is the Heroic Raid. Beyond that, the Raid Bosses will issue some challenges of their own. Outside the path of the Siege Engine, you'll also partake in festivals and races.
All will be revealed, including the exact dates in which these things will happen.
In the meantime, I have an appointment with Efrideet.
See you in the Crucible this weekend.
DeeJ, out.