This week at Bungie, the final bunker opened.
A third and final Seraph Bunker has opened on Io. The new Bunker points players to partake in the Seraph Tower event and new Legendary Lost Sectors on the Jovian moon. Guardians also made a new discovery in the bunker about Rasputin's efforts to track our enemies.
We're one month into Season of the Worthy and we're not done yet. Grandmaster Ordeal is only a few weeks away, but before we share more on that, let's talk about a new charity initiative coming up next week.
As the world responds to the outbreak of COVID-19, many of us have been urged by our local governments to stay home. Containing the spread of the virus is one of the best things we can do to protect our fellow humans. If you're a gamer, you've been training for this moment for your whole life. If you possess the heart of a Guardian, however, you might be wrestling with the urge to do more!
This is the question we've been asking ourselves at Bungie:
Is there something more we can do to help the real-world heroes who are confronting this crisis head on?
We've arrived at an answer that we think is very exciting. We'd like to share it with you - and even welcome you to join us in helping to make the world a better place. On Monday, you're invited to join us in our game rooms to talk about it.
Bungie's COVID-19 Fundraiser
Monday, April 13
10:00 AM Pacific
Players of Bungie games have never backed down from a fight. We've banded together to support the survivors of floods, earthquakes, and wildfires. You may even have a memento to commemorate the role you played in some of those initiatives. On this occasion, when it seems like the world needs help more than ever, we have an emblem to mark the Guardians in our community who choose to throw their lot in with our efforts.
On Monday, we'll reveal how you can earn this emblem to display proudly in game. We'll talk about this charitable call to action, who will benefit, and the impact that we will have together.
Join us for the conversation. Join us to make a difference.
In a few weeks, we'll debut a new difficulty selection for The Ordeal called Grandmaster. It will test your fireteam's coordination, communication, builds, and skill like no other activity in Destiny to date.
Here's a look at a few of the goals we had when approaching Grandmaster after we saw how the rest of The Ordeal was received:
To attempt Grandmaster, you will need to be Power Level 1025 which is 15 Power above the Pinnacle cap but will be 25 Power below the activity which will be set at a Power Level of 1050. We're also going to have something similar to the Contest mode we introduced for Crown of Sorrow. You will gain no extra advantage for being higher than 1025. We wanted to require a mixture of pinnacle rewards and artifact power to get you prepared for this, but not make you feel like you had to put in a ton of extra hours over-leveling the activity.
We're introducing some new modifiers along with some familiar ones, including Extinguish (if your team wipes, it sends you back to orbit) and Limited Revives (you start with a small pool of shared team revives and you get more every time you kill a Champion). We don't want to spoil everything, so there are a few other wrinkles we'll let you discover when it goes live.
Does this sound like a worthy challenge so far? We hope it does, and as a reward, you'll have increased chances of being awarded Exotic armor and Masterworking materials. But the main draw of the mode is the new Seal and title available for beating each of the Grandmaster Ordeal Strikes once during the Season: Conqueror. We want this to be one the most challenging titles to get, but we want it to be approachable for anyone to try who puts in the time and dedication with their team during a given Season.
Grandmaster Ordeal will begin on April 21.
The second coming of Iron Banner for this Season is already upon us. Lord Saladin will be setting up shop at the top of the Tower and you'll have another shot at finishing the quest and earning the new Bow.
Bonus Valor gains are also enabled throughout the week.
Iron Banner and bonus valor begins at 10 AM PDT on April 14, running through 10 AM on April 21.
Pleas welcome in the Player Support team with the latest on known issues we're tracking.
This is their report.
Last week, we released Destiny 2 Hotfix As part of the hotfix, we resolved an issue where Trials of Osiris Weekly Challenges were not being reset properly. We believed the issue would be resolved later that week when Trials of Osiris went live, but the issue persisted, causing players who didn't have their Weekly Challenge to not receive any rewards on their third, fifth, or seventh win.
Starting this Friday, April 10, all players are expected to have their Weekly Challenge available to them when Trials of Osiris becomes active.CLAN CREATION AND EDITING
Players may notice that they are unable to create or edit their clans in Destiny 2. While we investigate this issue, players can still join or leave Destiny 2 clans at any time.PC CRASHING UPDATE
On Tuesday, we worked with Valve to issue a small update to Destiny 2 on Steam that should resolve a crashing issue players have been receiving. This small update is also helping us to determine what is causing the BEAVER error code to appear more frequently.BEAVER ERROR CODES
Since Season of the Worthy began, we have been seeing a significant increase in the following error codes: ANTEATER, BEAVER, BEETLE, and WATERCRESS. While we continue to investigate the cause of these error codes, we have implemented fixes that have helped reduce the number of BEAVER errors on Steam, which you can see illustrated in the chart below. We understand how frustrating and painful it can be to receive this or any error code, and we're working intensely on further mitigations.
While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
- Fully upgrading any Seraph Bunker sometimes doesn't unlock the associated Warmind Security Triumph. This issue is expected to be resolved in our next update.
- Warden of Nothing doesn't give platinum rewards if one of the Unstoppable Champions is killed by a train.
- The Dynamic Charge perk doesn't activate on Symmetry if shot through Citan's Ramparts assisted Assault Barricade.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
Let's move on to some movies shall we? This is our weekly ritual of picking some of our favorite community-created videos and showcasing them here for all to see. All winners will receive a cool emblem as proof that their film was featured. Here we go.
Movie of the Week: I Collect Motes Not Deposit Them
Honorable Mention: Don't Tell Zavalla
If you do end up winning, please make sure you put a link to your profile page so we can send you the emblem.
In case you missed it, we had a great conversation with the voice actor for Ana Bray earlier this week. Go check it out!
We're looking forward to the charity stream next week. It's always a pleasure seeing our community show off the amazing things you can do when given the opportunity to support a great cause. Guardians truly share some of the heroic qualities of their in-game counterparts.
<3 Cozmo