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Tyrannosaurus Jets, Mr. Dynamite, and the Golden Ratio


In case you haven't noticed, today is Friday, which means the Bungie Mail Sack has opened once again to answer all of your questions about personal fitness, motherly advice, and [redacted]. This week we get a special treat - Marty has released the background music from the recent trailer "The Law of the Jungle" as a standalone MP3! (Direct Link, 1.43 MB) Thanks, Marty! (And thanks for the heads-up, Xenos.)

ncsuDuncan | May 31, 2013 05:29 pm | link

Strong and Safe

TTL Demag0gue took an overarching look at the Law of the Jungle trailer, and shared his thoughts, written from a storyteller's perspective. Swing by Destiny Guardian to read them!

TAGS: fan, analysis
Claude Errera | May 31, 2013 01:19 pm | link

Can Kipling Sell Video Games?

Iron Jean has an interesting article musing about the use of classical British literature to sell a video game - it's a wonderful read. Long-time Bungie fans will realize that this is nothing new for them - but as their cachet grows, so does the pool of people who notice. Thanks to Kermit for the heads-up.

Claude Errera | May 31, 2013 10:50 am | link

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