Wednesday, June 24, 2015 
Bungie's Mea Culpa

The Bungie Weekly Update (Part 1 of 2 - stay tuned for the second half tomorrow!) is online now... and it might surprise you. Luke Smith apologizes for the interview that set off a firestorm of criticism this week, and Bungie offers to make amends by allowing you to buy the digital goodies that come with the Collector's Edition, without having to buy the Collector's Edition. Boom. (Our forum is discussing it, as you may have guessed.) You can find a local copy in our Weekly Update Archive, should you need or want it.
Claude Errera | Jun 24, 2015 06:18 pm |
Destiny Gives You Wings

The buzz today seems to be focusing on
a collaboration between Activision/Bungie and Red Bull - Kotaku has
an opinion piece that contains quotes from the press release, along with some... interpretation. Even mainstream press like Time is
getting in on the act - with 16 million users, Destiny makes a splash whenever new content hits.
Our forum is full of discussion - what side do you come down on? Are you horrified by the commercialization of content (buying Red Bull will give you access to exclusive content in the Taken King, once it drops), or do you see this as a reasonable marketing scheme? Will you dive in and buy the drink in order to get the goodies - or will you hold off until January, when the goodies are available to everyone playing the game, for free? Sound off!
Claude Errera | Jun 24, 2015 03:47 pm |
Playstation Exclusive Strikes to be Updated
Luke Smith sat down with Eurogamer recently (you may have heard about part of it), and one thing they talked about was the impending release of previously Playstation Exclusive content to Xbox consoles. As part of the release of The Taken King, Bungie is also refreshing the strikes with Taken enemies, along with allowing Xbox players to play the original version. Go read the full article for all the details. (Thanks to Hedge on Twitter for pointing this out)
Xenos | Jun 24, 2015 08:35 am |
Tuesday's headlines: