About kemahchiro

Author Archive | kemahchiro

A Hunter’s Journey (Full Story)

Hey, guys. So, I recently finished my short story, and it comes out to about 43 pages. As such, I decided I’d just go ahead and post all of it here instead of having to post multiple things and make people look through them to read the whole story. Thanks to everybody who commented and […]

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A Hunter’s Journey, Pt. 2

Short note: I read the feedback, and I’m really glad y’all appreciate what I’m doing. The colors are a conscious choice; I’m currently trying to incorporate them more strongly into the plot. Honestly, directly after I wrote part 1, I fell asleep, woke up the next day, and started writing like crazy. Right now, I’m […]

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A Hunter’s journey, pt. 1

Earth. In all of the dark night sky, littered with gleaming stars and far-off galaxies, this single orb of glittering blue and scarred land mass remained the last safe sanctuary for mankind. Humanity was not alone. The sacred places of the world, from the strongest of nations to the solitary reaches of uninhabited desolations, had […]

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