
Doesn't look much like Splinter Cell (Gaming)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, December 10, 2015, 07:28 (3069 days ago) @ Oholiab

I've seen zero stealth elements in the game and I've been following it pretty religiously. It looks like a sweet FPS in a gorgeous game engine (bullets actually shoot holes in things that light and objects can pass through, for example), but the actual abilities seem suspiciously similar to WoW or (if I'm being brutally honest) the Matrix Online. And the enemies seem to - like destiny - have arbitrarily large health bars simply to make fighting them take longer, rather than having interesting mechanics or intelligent AI. To be fair, they haven't shown much of the actual gameplay, but that's a red flag to me these days. If you don't show the game, you're basically admitting that the game isn't something worth showing.

Still, I'm really curious to see this when it comes out, and if it's half as good to play as it is to look at, I'll be all over it. Except No Man's Sky comes out around the same time...

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