
Me either, and I played a little. (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Friday, December 11, 2015, 00:00 (3068 days ago) @ Funkmon

Now, I download a lot of demos, play, decide I don't like em, and quit. Life's too short to play games that aren't fun.

Yep. That's become my policy, too. My problem is that it sometimes takes longer than it should for me to realize I'm not having fun.

For instance, I got all the way to the twist in the first Bioshock before I realized I absolutely hated it and quit. I almost powered through because the twist was interesting, but I didn't. I only played about two hours of Infinite before I quit that one, so guess I'm getting better.

More recently, I only played about an hour of Pillars of Eternity before I abandoned it. It's probably a good game, but it didn't draw me in like I felt it should, and screw playing a 50+ hour game that doesn't do that.

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