Thank you, UpNorth and Beardfade! (DBO)

by Oholiab @, Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 04:37 (3285 days ago)
edited by Oholiab, Tuesday, December 15, 2015, 05:09

I had been languishing at 299.xx for weeks, without having time to play much at all, let alone play the raid. Knowing I was getting close to the 300 threshold, I had been holding on to my exotic engrams until I crossed it.

Beardfade convinced me that I could get to 300 with a drop in Trials, so I figured I'd give it a shot (and at the same time, maybe reach Rank 2 in Crucible.) UpNorth came along for the ride.

We got off to a very poor start. I'm terrible. Just terrible. And it was pretty frustrating. Beardfade even broke his couch after shooting an opponent in the face twice and not getting the kill. We went through two trials cards in no time.

By the third card, we were one match away from completing all the bounties, and we scored a win on our first match. I managed to get a cloak that put me just above 300 (albeit with a motley mix of armor and weapons and racing gear).

Back at the Tower, here's what the Cryptarch decrypted for me:

Zahlo 310
Telesto 290
Telesto 310
Truth 290
Truth 310
Empyrean Bellicose 310
Don't Touch Me 310
Alpha Lupi 290
ATS/8 Tarantella 310
Peregrine Greaves 310

All in all, not a bad night, and I actually started to enjoy Trials at the end. Many thanks to those two for their willingness to help me out.

Time to infuse...

EDIT: add to that list a 310 MIDA...

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