Your thoughts are appreciated (DBO)

by Oholiab @, Wednesday, December 16, 2015, 01:55 (3285 days ago) @ BeardFade

I'm sure James gets this, but if not, feel free to reinforce that I learned/inherited anger and colorful language from my own father, and while at times and in the right circles, colorful language is fun and funny, for the most part, those are two things my old man passed on that I'd rather not have. It's far easier to be a person who isn't quick to anger. Makes relationships a lot easier for sure.

I get the sense though that Junior is learning some real good lessons from you Senior, just hoping not to be a bad influence :)

I appreciate your honesty, and will definitely pass the message along to Junior. He's at that age where kids naturally gravitate towards, and find humor in, colorful language and frustration-fueled shenanigans like rage-quitting. He understands it's wrong, but when all the "cool" kids (and Destiny YouTubers) are doing it, a father's wisdom doesn't always get through the noise. Having another take on the matter makes for a good shepherding opportunity.

And as I said before, it's not your colorful language that appeals to my kids, but your gaming ability, good spirit, and willingness to help kill minions of the Darkness.

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